Buddy4All Social App
Data Deletion Request
The Buddy4All Social App may store the following data relating to users registered on the platform:
- Profile Information – email address, name, city, age, gender, preferred language, profile picture, and descriptions given by the user of themselves:
- “About me”
- Professional experience
- Profession interests
- Topics of interest
- Topics in which one can help others
- Contacts and communications:
- List of contacts and contact requests in the Buddy4All social app
- Communications made in the Buddy4All Social App
- Statistics on the usage of the Social App, including of MR games and memory training activities.
If you are a registered user of the Buddy4All Social App, you may request to have your stored data deleted by contacting us via email at info@kresk.com as follows:
- Subject: Buddy4All Data Deletion Request
- Body:
- I hereby request you delete my Buddy4All Social App account, and all related data.
- Please indicate your name as it appears in the Buddy4All Social App
- This email should be sent from the email with which you are registered on the Buddy4All Social App.
Please note that there may be a statutory period in your territory, within which it is required to retain some or all of your data. If this is the case, your data will be deleted after this period.